Dr Emma Mardlin has had T1 diabetes for over 22 years, overcoming a host of challenges and adversities. From academic ridicule and starring death in the face to being told she was going blind, it’s never dampened her mind-set or deterred her from success in the work and research she does today in the field of mind body medicine.

As a clinical psychotherapist in mind body medicine Emma has both personally and professionally experienced some phenomenal developments and results when it comes to her own health and the health of others. Be it from diabetes to depression, or chronic fatigue syndrome to cancer, psychologically or physically.

Today Dr Emma talks about the truth behind some of the misconceptions surrounding diabetes, and how we can make this condition a problem of the past.

When it comes to diabetes, I ‘ve heard some pretty damning statements over the years, ranging from the tactlessly absurd to the offensively dismissive. However, alarmingly some of these comments have even come from healthcare professionals, people with diabetes, and the media; all leading to some common misconceptions.

Misconceptions that are absolute rubbish! They are total myths that come entirely from misunderstanding this condition and taking it at face value.

Yet conversely, people have been led to believe such myths and understandably feel utterly depressed about, leaving them fearing the condition completely, or seeing it as a problem that consumes everyday life; hence it’s all too easy for people to fulfil these beliefs. Ultimately this is what leads to poor health and quality of life; hence diabetes being the problem we so regularly here about today.
However, diabetes never actually needs to be a problem at all if we take a totally different approach, and get the fundamentals right.
Debunking the myths;

‘Once a diabetic, always a diabetic’

This statement is both misinformed, indicative of an extremely limited way of thinking, and completely untrue!
First and foremost, no one is ‘a diabetic’ – a permanent walking health condition. They are a person who currently has a health condition called diabetes, and that’s not to say it can’t ever be changed and reversed.

No one calls a person with high blood pressure ‘a hypertensive’ or someone with arthritis or dementia ‘an arthritic’ or ‘a dementic’ – it would probably be seen as pretty insulting. People are not their condition and should never be defined or permanently labelled by it.

Secondly and very importantly, type 2 diabetes can be reversed naturally, proved to be the case in as little as eight weeks with the right focus.
Thirdly, not only have there been successful islet cell transplants amidst other scientific and surgical developments to reverse type 1 diabetes, through my own work and research I have had great success in reversing diabetes complications, and for me personally I am in the ‘process’ of naturally pushing toward the reversal of my own type 1 diabetes with phenomenal results (albeit this of course is a gradual and slower process).

 ‘Type 2 diabetes is just a Fat person’s disease’

Anyone can get diabetes.
Although obesity dramatically creates a higher risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, people don’t just carry fat that is externally visible, hence type 2 diabetes isn’t just exclusive to obese people.
Similarly, stress is a major factor in developing diabetes. As well as all health being more about our specific thought patterns and emotions that subsequently affect the biochemistry of the brain and thus lead to certain physical changes and reactions within the body that ultimately manifest as health, illness, or specific conditions in the first place; hence not every obese person has type 2 diabetes or two people with the same condition and treatment can respond entirely differently.

‘Diabetes means you’ll end up blind or losing limbs’

Although diabetes ‘complications’ can occur if diabetes is left untreated or uncontrolled, which can eventually lead to blindness, amputations, kidney failure, nerve damage, and so on; Diabetes per se in no uncertain terms means this is a foregone conclusion!

It is the same as if anyone neglects themselves or self-harms in some way for whatever reason. For example, if any person profusely smokes, drinks alcohol, lives on fatty foods, takes drugs, engages in promiscuous behaviour, excessive tanning, stressful lifestyle, and so on; the body will respond accordingly in a similar way.

However, diabetes itself does not mean a person automatically goes blind or loses limbs. Even if complications may arise, there is always some positive action we can take!

 ‘You can’t change the condition so put up and deal with it’

Anyone can always make positive change. No one has to simply ‘put up with anything’ – this all comes down to mind-set, focus, action, and the solutions we go out and seek.

‘T2 diabetes shortens life expectancy by 10 years’

When any diabetes is well controlled or even reversed – there is no reason for it to ever shorten life expectancy. If anything, diabetes can help to value life, cherish it, and be more health and lifestyle conscientious leading to greater life enhancing choices.

‘Diabetes means you’re in a ‘vulnerable group’ and so likely to get ill’

If well controlled, there is no reason diabetes should equate to anyone being tagged in a ‘vulnerable group’ irrespective of medical labelling and protocol.
Year on year the GP surgeries put on repeat prescriptions that people with diabetes are in the ‘vulnerable group’ and should therefore get a flu jab or are likely to get ill every winter.
Well about 20 years on of refusing to be classified in a ‘vulnerable group’ and therefore never having the flu jab – I have never had the flu either and seldom get colds! Yet I’ve had type 1 diabetes for over 22 years.

So what’s the differentiating factor?

Well there’s a lot more to diabetes than simply the physical aspect or what any of us are simply led to believe, and it’s when we begin to explore beyond this, we begin to see and experience some very different and exciting results.

In any aspect of our physical health (diabetes or not), if we adopt a different ‘meta’ physical (core root cause beyond the physical) way of thinking, the rest will always follow. This will then ensure the intended physical results, healing, and well-being we seek, which our body is infinitely capable of with the right mind-set, resources, and guidance.
The sky really isn’t the limit if we begin to look beyond this and explore so much more out there to seek new, exciting, and infinite results.

Dr Emma Mardlin, Co-founder of The Pinnacle Practice.
Clinical Practitioner in Mind Body Medicine, Trainer, Lecturer, and Author of Mind Body Diabetes, A Positive, Powerful, and Proven solution to stop diabetes once and for all (type 1 and type 2).
Positive Resource Site, Read the First 3 Chapters Free, to start your positive journey of healing, health, and well-being today